Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Moment into my Mind

So today I am juggling some thoughts in my head.  As I have mentioned earlier, I had to quit my preschool job in March and I do home daycare to two young boys and my own daughter is you want to count that as daycare.  I don't really but some may count her.  In addition to this big change, my husband quit his job of 4 years due to sales being super low and he now works at a factory.  He took a pay cut  but in the long run we do find it will be better.  So here is what I am juggling....

  • We need more income
  • We need grocery money
  • We need to save in other areas too!

A lot on this Momma's mind and it really isn't a ton is it?  I am looking at several ways to cut groceries.  Living in the *somewhat* St. Louis area, I do follow 2 blogs pretty regularly.  I had gotten away from it a while when I was at the preschool because that job took everything and then some out of me.  I just couldn't do it all when I was there.  I would go to check my email finally on a Friday evening and have over a thousand.  It was awful.  So I quit following like I wanted to.  My 2 favorite blogs that share some of their money saving ideas and finds are:

STL Mommy
King Size Savings
They even offer giveaways periodically.  I enter most... haven't won one yet.... My time is coming soon I hope!!  LOL Today King Size Savings is having a giveaway for a gift card to one of 2 St. Louis Local grocery stores.  (Click the link above to find the entry).

In addition to these blogs to try to save on groceries, I am contemplating doing home parties.  Selling something useful like Tupperware, Avon (which both I have done in the past) or something else.  I was at a Tastefully Simple party last night and they have a super good new consultant deal.  I am REALLY considering it.  But would I do well at parties?   I live in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone.  Once I get through that group of people will it continue.   I love their products.  I buy at EVERY party I get invited to so why not sell it and enjoy a discount?  Nathan didn't seem to excited about it but maybe if I do well he'll change his mind. 

I was going to apply for the janitor position at my church too.  It was posted in the church bulletin for a couple weeks (including this past Sunday) but when I emailed for more information on it the secretary told me she believed it was already filled.  Ho hum....  Seems it wasn't meant for me I suppose. 

So that is where my mind is wandering today!!  LOL  On another note... my last MOPS meeting of this year is tonight.  BUMMER!!  I love MOPS!!!!  Ho hum again!!  Hehehehe!!!! 

Have a wonderful day all!!!! 


  1. Have you learned to make freezer meals? Aside from couponing, that is how I save a ton on groceries! I spend $40 or less for my husband and I and our two year old daughter.

    I quit my job to become a stay at home mom, so all I do for income is buy and resell stuff. My mother in law buys and resells furniture and jewelry, and vintage stuff. Maybe that's something you can also do.

    I sold mostly on etsy.

    Good luck! Those are quite a few things to juggle, but you can do it. Maybe you didn't get the janitor job because you will find something better!

    1. Hi Elidet!! Thanks for reading. You are right. I probably didn't get it for that reason. There is always an underlying issue we don't understand...

      I have thought about freezer meals but I will need a deep freeze or a larger freezer/fridge combo. Ours is kind of small and we have 2 children, but I am not pushing aside. I may do that in the very near future. Thank you for your suggestions!!!
